Testimony – Quitting Smoking And Drinking In A Day

quitting smoking and drinking in a day

quitting smoking and drinking in a day

I used to drink everyday and there used to be no break. Though it never went to an indecent level but I drank everyday. Also, I used to smoke 40 cigarettes in a day. I was a passionate smoker and used to love it.

I never gave a thought about quitting it. Being a chain smoker, no emotions, promises, temptations, motivation or situations inspired me to quit, as I was deep rooted into my addictions.

The maximum that I drank was 4 drinks or 4 beers at a time. Also, the maximum that I smoked was 150 cigarettes in a day and I was really proud about this record of mine.

But then this sudden urge to have a glass of fresh juice than to be smoking cigarettes, changed the whole story. It was a phase of self pity, that what a poor guy was I, that I could not even fill myself with a glass of juice.

But then, I was sure about this that, only when I'd quit smoking, I'll relish a glass of fresh juice as it won't make any sense to have one after smoking 40 cigarettes one after the other.

I gave it an honest try. One day I'd have 20 cigarettes on another 10 and then again back to the benchmark of 40 in a day. I soon realized that this is not going to work this way and I either got to completely quit it or surrender to my addiction.

One night I had a word with the Lord Almighty in my thoughts, to figure out what exactly could be done. Yes, I had a conversation with Him. It was a conversation and an introspection.

I asked, if I actually needed to smoke or drink or was it just because it had become a part of my lifestyle. Was it adding anything to my life or had completely deteriorated me from inside. Was it any worth ?

And His grace gave me the vision to see myself smoking at those road side places. This time I got to witness myself through His eyes and I didn't find anything pleasing about it. I found myself to be so ordinary and disgusting.

It was a night of self analysis and self pity. It was a very long night. But I did it previously as well when I gave up drinking. But then, quitting drinking was a lot easier than smoking. I was a chain smoker afterall and those who used to see me, they used to tell me that they witnessed death in me and they hadn't seen anyone smoking 15 cigarettes one after the other while standing at the same place.

And the very next morning I was a non smoker. Yes. in the beginning I trained my brain to act as if I never had been into smoking. I actually played the role of a non smoker and wasn't tempted by any other smoker who tried to offer me a cigarette. I celebrated my new self with 2 glasses of fresh juice.

Though it is really tough for any chain smoker to quit smoking and they mostly end up at rehabs, but I took it as a personal insult, if I'd finally land up there. So, I did it on my own and in a day. Since then I never felt any crave for it.

It has been more than 7 years since I've smoked and more than 10 years since I've been drinking. It's surely the grace of God.

Though this does not guarantee me a long or healthy life but it gives me a feeling of contentment that I did it on my own and that too in a matter of a single day.

And trust me, the withdrawal symptom and all is just bogus. Nothing could impact you if you are determined and you have Him by your side.

I've added a few funny videos of mine as well, when I was in the state of acceptance to my addictions.

Anything and everything is possible, if you are ready to bring about a change in your life, a change for good, a positive change that adds an element of contentment to your life. If I can, anyone can.

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